
  • N. V. Hrytsiuk Polissia National University
  • L. L. Dovbysh Polissia National University
  • A. V. Bakalova Polissia National University
  • I. V. Ivaschenko Polissia National University
  • N. M. Plotnytska Polissia National University



spring wheat, tillage system, fertilization level, weediness, agrophytocenosis, segetal vegetation


The results of the evaluation of the anti-weed efficiency of the methods of the main tillage during the cultivation of spring wheat in the right-bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine are given. Reducing the number of harmful organisms is a priority in grain crop protection technology. Currently, there is a tendency in Ukraine to introduce biological and agrotechnical methods of protecting plants from weeds, a significant role in this is played by correctly selected basic tillage and fertilization system. A high level of segetal vegetation in agricultural crops reduces the quantity and quality of the harvest, due to a decrease in the number of productive stems and the above-ground mass of the crop. In the system of weed control in agrocenoses of spring wheat, the level of fertilization and the system of the main tillage, taking into account the morphological features of the weed vegetation, the culture itself, and weather conditions, play a significant role. The purpose of the research was to study the potential and actual weediness of spring wheat crops depending on tillage and fertilization in the conditions of the right-bank Forest Steppe. In the conditions of the production experiment of the Zhytomyr region, the impact of potential soil contamination with weed seeds was investigated depending on the main methods of soil cultivation. Also, with deep tillage, the number of seeds increased along the horizons from 0–10 cm to 20–30 cm, where their accumulation was 42%. The analysis of weed vegetation in the agrocenosis of spring wheat before harvesting shows that annual plowing to a depth of 20–22 cm has an increased anti-weed effect. It was established that on the fertilized background the actual weediness was higher in terms of the number and dry mass of weeds. Thus, against the background of N30P30K30 fertilization, the number of buds increased by 0,9–4,1 pieces/m2 compared to the unfertilized version. However, at the level of fertilizer N60P60K60, weediness was somewhat lower and ranged from 0,8 to 3,0 pieces/m2.


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