
  • O. V. Todosiichuk Uman National University of Horticulture



chlorophyll, net photosynthetic productivity, sowing grasspea, biological preparations


The article presents the results of research on the effects of biological preparations Bioneostim (seed treatment before sowing – 1.0 l/t) and Vermistim D (7.0 l/t – seed treatment, 8.0 l/ha – crop spraying) on the total chlorophyll a and b content and the net photosynthetic productivity of sowing grasspea (Lathyrus sativus). At present, solving the issue of increasing the yield and quality of legume grains and the supply of plant protein in human nutrition is impossible without introducing new grain legume crops, among which sowing grasspea (Lathyrus sativus) has garnered significant interest. Currently considered a non-traditional crop, its biological and energy potential remains underestimated due to insufficient research into the species' biological characteristics and its cultivation technologies. The research was conducted under field conditions by the Department of Biology of Uman National University of Horticulture from 2022 to 2024. The effects of the biopreparation Bioneostim and the plant growth regulator Vermistim D were studied in crops of the grasspea variety “Ivolga”. Field experiments were conducted using the systematic method. The experiment was repeated three times. The experimental design included variants with seed treatment before sowing using Bioneostim at a rate of 1.0 l/t, both separately and in combination with Vermistim D (7.0 l/t – seed treatment and 8.0 l/ha – foliar treatment). Grasspea seeds were treated individually or with a mixture of Bioneostim and Vermistim D one day before sowing. Against the background of seed treatment with Bioneostim and Vermistim D, crops were sprayed with the plant growth regulator Vermistim D at a rate of 8.0 l/ha during the tillering phase. It was established that pre-sowing seed treatment with Bioneostim and the plant growth regulator Vermistim D, followed by post-emergence application of the latter, created the most favourable conditions for physiological and biochemical processes in plants, including photosynthetic processes. This was due to the direct stimulating effect of the biopreparations on the functioning of the pigment complex of the leaf apparatus and the net productivity of the crop. On average, over the years of research, during all studied phases of grasspea development, an increase in pigment content in leaves and net photosynthetic productivity was observed, exceeding the control by 23–55% for chlorophyll and by 20% for net photosynthetic productivity.


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