
  • V. I. Tyshchenko
  • N. V. Bozhko



technology, beverages, black chokeberry extract, cranberry extract, phytoextracts, antioxidants


The article devoted to the results of the study of the developed non-alcoholic functional drinks with antioxidant properties using phytoextracts. Soft drinks enriched with antioxidants can be an effective means of increasing the level of antioxidant protection in the body. Fruit and vegetable juices are the basis of such drinks, as they contain natural antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, carotenoids, polyphenols and other compounds with antioxidant activity. Three experimental formulations of soft drinks were developed. Phytoextracts of black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa), cranberry extract (Vaccinium Oxycoccus), and freshly prepared apple, carrot, and orange juices were used as functional ingredients. The content of biologically active substances of antioxidant action in the finished beverages was investigated: the total content of phenolic substances and ascorbic acid content, and an organoleptic evaluation of the obtained products was also carried out. It has been established that using even a small amount of plant extracts in the technology of soft beverages allows for obtaining original products with intense taste properties. Adding phytoextracts of black chokeberry and cranberry extract, separately and in combination, enable to fortify drinks, and give them a functional direction due to enrichment with antioxidants. It was established that the addition of 1–2% extracts of black rowan and cranberry allows for obtaining functional drinks with a high content of phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid. It was determined that the highest content of phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid was in the beverage made according to recipe 1 with the content of black chokeberry extract 2%: 119.61±1.39 mg of Gallic acid/100 ml and 17.15±0.95 mg/100 ml respectively. The resulting beverages had satisfactory organoleptic properties and met the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for this type of product.


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