



spring wheat, mineral nutrition, technological indicators


The article is dedicated to the research of qualitative (technological) indicators of spring wheat grain of different varieties under application of mineral nutrition elements. It was found that during the years of research, yield of early-ripening and medium-ripening varieties of spring wheat was ensured by calculated rates at the level of 4–5 t/ha, however, yield of early-ripening varieties was lower than planned under the conditions of a dry year. Uliublena variety, among the early-ripening varieties, and Struna Myronivska as a medium-ripening variety reacted better to the application of mineral nutrition elements. Calculation of the variation of the weight of 1000 grains depending on the influence of the variety and variants showed that the share of the variety influence changed from 52.5% in 2021 to 72.6% in 2022, and the share of the influence of fertilizer backgrounds – from 0.3% in 2021 to 6.6% in 2022. The weight of 1000 grains of all productivity elements was most strongly related to yield (r = 0.337 in 2021; r = 0.553 in 2022). Medium-ripening varieties formed grain with a higher nature indicator compared to early-ripening ones. A reasonable influence of the research variants on grain nature was not found. The level of gluten content in grain was quite high during the research years: 28.9–32.2% in early-ripening varieties and 25.8–26.5% in medium-ripening ones. Nitrogen fertilization contributed to the growth of gluten content, and varieties reacted ambiguously. Barvysta variety showed itself best with combined application of nitrogen and Kristalon, varieties of Uliublena and Elehiia Myronivska – under fractional application of nitrogen, and Struna Myronivska variety did not react to nitrogen fertilization. Early-ripening varieties of spring wheat showed themselves best in terms of protein content in grain. The greatest differences between these groups of varieties were found in the variant with a fertilizer rate of 3 t/ha, regardless of the variety.


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