apples, Reinette Simirenko, pre-harvest tree treatment, fruit weight, ethylene activity, physico-chemical parameters, Streif indexAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of changes in the activity of ethylene emission, physico-chemical indicators and the Streif index of Reinette Symyrenko apples in pre-harvest period depending on the tree treatment with Ethrel. In the middle climate zone of Ukraine, due to the possible frost damage in early October and an unwanted dirty-brown blush, apples cv. Reinette Symyrenko are often harvested prematurely, which negatively affects the taste. Etrel is widely used in fruit-bearing orchards to block the growth and accelerate fruit ripening; and in Ukraine it is registered to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes. The research was carried out during 2012–2013 at Uman National University of Horticulture. Fourteen days before the expected harvest, trees of late-winter cv. Reinette Symyrenko were sprayed with Ethrel (ethephon, 180 g/ha) with the addition of NAA to prevent fruit drop (potassium salt of α-naphthylacetic acid, 20 g/ha); control areas were sprayed with water. Every seven days after treatment, ethylene activity, iodine-starch index, fruit weight, flesh firmness, main ground color, soluble dry matter content and the Streif index were determined. It was found out that spraying of apple orchards with Ethrel two weeks before the predicted harvest date does not affect the change in fruit weight during a pre-harvest period. At the same time, the degradation of starch accelerates – the iodine-starch index 14 days after treatment was 1.6 times higher, as compared with the no-treatment practice. Treatment significantly activates the decrease of flesh firmness, the change in the main color (higher level of light reflection by the skin at a wavelength of 675 nm) and the soluble dry matter content, doubling the ripening process of apples (according to the Streif index) and increasing the fruit ethylene activity in a post-harvest period.
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