initial explants, nutrient medium, viability, level of regeneration, regenerating plants, number of shoots, height of shootsAbstract
One of the ways to obtain grape plants free from viral, mycoplasma diseases and bacterial cancer is the method of apical meristem culture. The effectiveness of this technology depends on the number of initial explants that will be morphogenically active, successfully take root on the nutrient medium and regenerate into plants. The purpose of the work was to determine the effect of nutrient media and the size of grape apical meristems in vitro on their regeneration capacity. At work we used biotechnological, laboratory and statistical research methods were used to determine the survival rate, the level of regeneration of initial explants, the number of shoots formed, and the height of regenerated plants. The study was conducted on microclones of grapes of the technical variety Cabernet Sauvignon clone 15. The survival rate of grape apical meristems in vitro was influenced by their size and composition of the nutrient medium. The most viable apical meristems were obtained from initial explants of 0.5–0.7 mm (30.0–56.0%) and 0.8–1.0 mm (33.0–58.0%). For their cultivation, a nutrient medium with a high content of vitamins and phytohormones should use (MS 2). Compared to the control (MS as prescribed), the number of shoots increased by 80.0% on MS 2 medium, shoot height by 65.7% for initial explants of 0.5–0.7 mm and by 53.8 and 55.0% for initial explants of 0.8–1.0 mm. The results of the statistical analysis proved the reliability of the obtained results and made it possible to determine the influence of each factor on the obtained performance indicators. The survival rate of apical meristems, the number of regenerated shoots, and their height were most influenced by factor А (composition of the nutrient medium) – 39.6–54.4%, and the level of apical meristem regeneration was most influenced by factor В (size of apical meristems) – 38.5–52.9%.
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