arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.), cultivar, number of leaves, yield, qualityAbstract
The article presents modern issues of the effectiveness of indau cultivars and improvement of the technology of cultivation of arugula in the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The research was supposed to study the assortment of arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.), as well as to find out its effectivenes under the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine, yield and product quality. Conventional research methods were used. The highest attention was paid to biometric indexes of plant growth and yield. Studies have proven that the control cultivars of arugula Znakhar was characterized by a larger number of leaves – 18 pcs./plant. In addition, the data and indexes have been stable over the years of research. Cultivars of arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.) Barvinkovyi and Sparkle showed lower results and the number of leaves was 16–17 pcs./plant. The height of the plants among the studied assortment of arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.) was the lowest at the control cultivar – 15,0 cm, while the Barvinkovyi cultivar was 2,3 cm higher, and the Sparkle cultivar was 3.5 cm significantly higher than the control. Among the studied cultivars of arugula, the highest plant weight was found in the Sparkle cultivar – 115,4 g in the phase of technical ripeness, even though at the beginning of growth this index was higher in the control – 3,3 g. The Sparkle cultivar had a high yield of 18,1 t/ha, which exceeded the control by 2,9 t/ha. In turn, the Barvinkovyi cultivar showed the lowest result, which was lower than the control by 2,4 t/ha. It has been proven that the optimal cultivars for the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine are the Barvinkovyi and Sparkle cultivars among the arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.).
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