
  • M. I. Bakhmat
  • O. V. Tkach
  • O. M. Bakhmat


chicory root, placement scheme, seed productivity, yield, plant density, feeding area


The article presents the mutual influence results of plants on the yield of chicory seeds, which is the main one for the development of sowing schemes, the determination of the feeding area and the introduction into the production of combined crops of non-hanging seed growing. An important condition for increasing crop yields is the creation of such a sowing structure in which the shape of the feeding area and the spatial arrangement of plants relative to the center of its symmetry would provide the most complete absorption and incoming photosynthetic radiation usage by plants with the maximum efficiency of photosynthesis. On the basis of the obtained research results, on the study of the cultivation method and the layout of plants, their influence on the yield of root chicory seed plants was proved, where the highest indicator of 0.35 t / ha was obtained with a combined cultivation method with a plant layout of 45 x 22.5 cm. there are obtained increases in yield from 0.025 to 0.065 t / ha depended on the density of the plants. Thus, the optimal density of the testes, together with the soil and climatic conditions and the complex application of elements of cultivation technologies, ensured a high yield of root chicory seeds. Studies have established that for a non-hanging method of growing chicory seeds, it is better to thicken the crops with a combined growing method according to the plant placement scheme 45x22.5 cm and 3x30 + 45cm.


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