
  • V. V. Liubych
  • V. I. Voitovska
  • V. О. Prykhodko



soriz, biochemical properties, fatty acids, the integral rate


The article is dedicated to the research on the content of carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, fat, fatty acids and ash in grain and flour of different soriz (Sorghum orysoidum) varieties. The content of ash and fat in soriz grain was the lowest – 1.2–1.8% depending on the variety. Carbohydrate content was the highest, varying from 77.9 to 82.0%. Starch content occupied the highest share of carbohydrates – 75.8–79.7% depending on the variety. Protein content varied from 13.0% in the grain of Tytan variety to 14.3% in Fakel variety, which was significant. Dietary fiber content was 2.50–2.98%. The biochemical content of soriz flour either did not change or was 1–29% lower compared to grain. Thus, carbohydrate content was the highest – 77–81.6% depending on soriz variety, or 1% lower compared to grain. Protein content varied from 12.4 to 13.6% or 1–10% lower compared to grain. The content of ash and fat was the lowest – 1.0–1.5%. 100 g of soriz grain satisfy most the biological need for protein – by 21.7–23.8% depending on the variety. The integral rate for carbohydrates was 15.6–16.4%. This indicator was the lowest for fat – 1.4–1.6%. The daily requirement for dietary fiber varied from 10.0 to 11.9%. The tendency to provide the daily requirement was similar to the grain of different varieties of soriz. The integral score for flour was only 1–7% lower compared to soriz grain. Oleic acid is the main fatty acid of soriz grain, the content of which was the highest – 0.418–0.428%. Palmitic acid content varied from 0.312 to 0.401% depending on the variety, and palmitoleic acid content was the lowest – 0.005%. The content of stearic and linoleic acid was 0.305–0.350%. It has been established that the biochemical content and content of fatty acids in grain and flour varies significantly depending on soriz variety. Soriz grain can contain 77.9–82.0% of carbohydrates, including 75.8–79.7% of starch, 13.0–14.3% of protein, 2.50–2.98% of dietary fiber, 1.4–1.6% of fat, 1.0–1.8% of ash depending on the variety. The content of biochemical components in flour is 1–29% lower compared to grain. The integral score for protein is the highest – 21.7–23.8%, and for carbohydrates 15.6–16.4% depending on the variety. The proportion of unsaturated fatty acids is 52–58%. The main fatty acid is oleic one.


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