
  • V. V. Liubych



spring triticale, nitrogen fertilizers, fertilizer dose, yield, grain quality, stability index


Aim. To determine the effect of different doses of nitrogen fertilizers on the yield and quality of spring triticale grain. Methods. Height of stalks was determined at the beginning of tillering stage, during stem elongation, earing and full maturity of spring triticale grain; yield was determined by direct harvesting from certain areas; protein content was measured using the infrared spectroscopy; statistical data processing was carried out using the method of one-way analysis of variance. Results. The height of spring triticale plants varied from 94 to 113 cm depending on the experiment variant. The bending strength was high (9 points). Yield of spring triticale grain significantly increased with the improvement of mineral nutrition. Thus, on average over the three years of research, the application of 30–210 kg/ha of primary nutrients of nitrogen fertilizer increased it to 6.50–8.36 t/ha or by 14–46% compared to the unfertilized areas (5.71 t/ha). The yield stability index was high – 0.92–0.95. The application of 30–210 kg/ha of primary nutrients of nitrogen fertilizers increased the protein content of spring triticale grain. On average over the two years of research, it increased from 13.7% without fertilizers to 13.8–15.4% or by 1–12%. The application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers did not change this indicator. The application of high doses of nitrogen fertilizers (120–210 kg/ha of primary nutrients) slightly reduced the stability index of the protein content formation in the grain to 0.87–0.90. In terms of protein yield from the yield of spring triticale grain, the one fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers significantly prevailed unfertilized areas with the stability index of 0.92–0.99. On average over the two years of research, this index increased to 115–506 kg/ha or by 1.1–1.6 (894–1285 kg/ha) compared to the one without fertilizers. The application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers increased the protein yield to 818 kg/ha or by 5%. Conclusions. The height of spring triticale plants varies depending on the fertilizer. The plant height in the phase of full maturity of spring triticale grain varies from 94 to 113 cm depending on the fertilizer used. This indicator is mostly affected by the use of nitrogen fertilizers. On average over two years of research, the application of 30–210 kg/ha of primary nutrients of nitrogen fertilizer increases grain yield to 6.50–8.36 t/ha or by 14–46% compared to unfertilized areas (5.71 t/ha). Yield stability index is high – 0.92–0.95. Protein content increases from 13.7% without fertilizer to 13.8–15.4% or by 1–12%. The use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers does not change this indicator. On average over two years of research, the protein yield increases by 115–506 kg/ha or by 1.1–1.6 (894–1285 kg/ha) when applying N30–210 compared to omission of fertilization. Application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers increases protein yield to 818 kg/ha or by 5%.


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