



oat flour, fenugreek, lingonberry, composite mixtures


The article is devoted to researching the quality of flour composite mixtures made on the basis of oat flour with the addition of non-traditional plant raw materials, namely powders from dried lingonberry berries and fenugreek seeds. Experimentally established permissible limits for the introduction into the composition of a two-component flour mixture (wheat flour of the highest grade 90% – oat flour 10%) instead of wheat flour of the studied plant components that allow to obtain good quality bread: crushed fenugreek seeds – 2% or crushed dried lingonberries – 2%. Adding crushed fenugreek seeds to the flour mixture improves the physical and chemical indicators of bread quality. However, if the mixture contains more than 2% of fenugreek seeds, its organoleptic indicators decrease: the crust acquires a dark colour, the flesh is grey, and the smell of fenugreek and a pronounced bitter taste become noticeable. Addition of crushed dried lingonberry berries to flour mixtures helps to reduce the porosity of the crumb and the dimensional stability of the bread and to increase the specific volume of the latter. Evaluation of bread quality according to organoleptic indicators made it possible to establish that the content of more than 2.5% of crushed dried lingonberry berries in the mixture contributes to the formation of a bumpy bread crust and worsens the elasticity of the crumb. Two versions of the composition of flour composite mixtures (FCM) have been developed based on oat flour, with the addition of crushed fenugreek seeds or crushed dried lingonberry berries, wheat gluten, and high-grade wheat bakery flour. It was established that the flour mixtures (85% wheat flour of the highest grade, 15% FCM) significantly differ from the wheat flour of the highest grade in terms of a number of farinographic characteristics of the dough, and in terms of the number of farinographic qualities they exceed it; the study of the characteristics of the dough showed that the introduction of both FCM into the composition of flour mixtures improves the rheological properties of the dough in comparison with the dough from a two-component mixture: wheat flour of the highest grade – oat flour.


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