
  • T. А. Safranov
  • А. V. Chugai
  • V. G. Ilina



wetlands, ecosystem services, useful properties


The article is devoted to the assessment of ecosystem services of wetlands in Odesa region. Among the 50 wetlands of Ukraine that have the status of international importance (total area of about 734 thousand hectares), a significant share falls on the territory of Odesa region. The wetlands of Odesa region are an important habitat for valuable species of birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles. This is why their water management, fisheries, agricultural, transport and recreational functions are of great importance. In addition, wetlands are an important component of the fishery potential. Forestry and hunting functions of wetlands are formed around the rational use of their biological resources. An important role in the formation of these types of resources is played by forestry and hydromelioration measures that limit the catch (shooting) and reproduction of game species. Wetlands are also actively used for agricultural purposes. A typical type of such use is land creation through land drainage. Some wetlands are natural highly productive pastures. Certain types of wetlands can play the role of natural coastal protection structures. The most important economic function of wetlands is transport, which is associated with river and sea shipping. In addition to the high recreational and tourist attractiveness of seaside wetlands, resources of therapeutic mud, brine, and mineral healing waters are also important. They also play an important role in stabilising climatic conditions, are part of ecological corridors, and have a significant impact on the formation of the ecological network. The processes of pollution and degradation of wetlands are closely linked to industrial, agricultural, recreational and tourist activities, as well as to the impact of local people, eutrophication of water bodies, etc. In general, the rational use of wetlands in Odesa Region, their conservation and restoration, and the assessment of their ecosystem services (useful properties) are of great environmental, social and economic importance.


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