
  • V. V. Polishchuk
  • Yu. O. Kyselov




alien flora, phytoinvasions, theoretical studies, regional studies, stagеs


The currency of evolution of researching alien flora from the beginning of its systematic studies to our time is analyzed. It is stressed on some regularities of its development. Six stages of development of investigations of the marked fraction of the flora and phytoinvasions are separated. It is marked that on the first stage which lasted from the beginning of the XX-th century to the end of the World War I, theoretical fundamentals of studying alien flora are created with the same-time providing a couple of regional researches. The most famous researchers of this period whose works made an influence to further development of the alien flora investigations are M. Rikli and A. Thellung. On the second stage (between two world wars) relatively not numerous studies mostly on the macroregional level are realized. The works by M.I. Kotov dedicated to the alien flora of Ukraine played an outstanding role on this stage of researches. The third stage (the second half of 1940-th – 50-th years) was characterized by growing of quantity of the investigations and deeping their theoretical fundamentals. The works by W. Kreh that had a theoretical and methodological context were the most significant on this stage. The fourth stage (60-th years) was signed by creating developed classifications of invasive species. The most perfect throw them was a classification created by J. Kornaś that didn’t lose its significance to today. The main contents of the fifth stage (70-90-th years) was appearance of numerous publications of the results of investigations on the meso- and microregional levels. An outstanding place throw them occupies the investigation of Ukrainian scholar V.V. Protopopova that fully characterized the alien flora of the bigger part of the territory of Ukraine and perfected the classification of invasive species by J. Kornaś. On the sixth, current, stage, from the one side, regional studies of phytoinvasions are actively lasting; from the other side, the theoretical base of studying alien flora is optimizing. Especially, the conclusive works of Ukrainian researchers S.L. Mosyakin and M.V. Shevera and foreign scientists M. Davis and C. Thompson dedicated to issues of terminology of invasive floristics have an important significance. As a perspective direction of next investigations may be studying phytoinvasions on the level of regions of Ukraine and also enforcing emphasis on researching geographical aspects of alien flora distribution.


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