
  • S. M. Shakaliі
  • A. V. Bahan
  • S. О. Yurchenko
  • L. H. Marinich



perennial flax, variety, plant height, color, bushiness


The article is devoted to the selection of perennial flax varieties (according to morphological characteristics) for use in landscape design, gardening and park management. More and more people are beginning to understand that a garden is, first of all, a place for relaxation and aesthetic pleasure. Landscape design and greening of the site are firmly included in our lives. And now almost everyone can afford to have a decorative garden. This does not require a lot of money, but it is enough to have a strong desire and a little free time. Compared to others, perennial flax has become the most widely distributed. Very attractive bushes of such flax are used to decorate borders, flower walls, etc. The market offer of perennial flax varieties for landscaping does not have a large assortment, since this plant is not widespread enough in the Poltava region. We conducted an analysis of various literary sources, provided the results of research in field conditions, based on which varieties were recommended for cultivation. The study was conducted in the conditions of the Lubensky district on the experimental site. The object of research was varieties of perennial flax: Heavenly, Diamond, Illusion, Blue Carpet. These varieties formed a "young Christmas tree" at the first peak, and already at the second peak, the rain met and formed stems with flower ends. We have noticed that the perennial flax plants and the first peak of flowering are already growing slowly, and in the second year, the plants of the fifth stage grow faster and bloom profusely when cultivated in the correct area of flowering. When selecting varieties of perennial flax, the research made it possible to find out that the varieties that were taken for cultivation are the most compatible in terms of morphological characteristics, and it was established that they can be included in various decorative arrangements and cultivated for the creation of landscape compositions. We believe that such interesting species as perennial flax should be washed, protected and taken into account in natural pollination and invited to be cultivated in botanical gardens and cultivated in gardens.


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