
  • I. V. Kimeichuk
  • Z. В. Kyienko




lignified cuttings, growth stimulants, rooting, vines, actinidia


In the article, the effect of growth regulators on the vegetative reproduction of plants – representatives of the genus Actinidia Lindl: Actinidia kolomikta (Rupr.) Maxim is defined and investigated and Actinidia arguta (Siebold & Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq. In the experiment growth regulators were used: Charkor, Kornevin, Heteroauxin and Ukorzeniacz AB, which are most commonly used in the vegetative reproduction of species of the genus Actinidia Lindl. Selected species of Actinidia kolomikta and Actinidia arguta promising for gardening in our climatic conditions, highly decorative, the peculiarities of reproduction and cultivation of which require further scientific substantiation. It should be noted that the rooting rate of plants treated with growth regulators was average, and the best rooting result was observed when using Charkor – 70% (72%); Heteroauxin showed a result of 50% (54%); control – 43% (48%). The average root length of rooted cuttings treated with stimulants in the form of solutions was 12–14 cm – in A. arguta and 4–6 cm in A. kolomikta, while the length of the roots of cuttings treated with the powder did not exceed 10 and 4 cm, respectively. At the same time, it is worth noting that the low rooting rates of A. kolomikta due to the higher demand of this species for climatic parameters and water regime of the soil. Research in previous years showed that the cuttings of A. kolomіkta and A. arguta have a high core-forming ability, which contributes to a more accurate study of the effect of growth stimulants on the rooting process. Selected growth regulators made it possible to increase the percentage of rooting, and cuttings treated with growth regulators have a more developed root system. For rooting Actinidia kolomikta and Actinidia arguta should use Charkor rooting agent in the form of powder. For vegetative reproduction of species of the genus Actinidia it is recommended to use Charkor growth stimulator. For rooting, it is best to take cuttings with medium diameters and the best shoots for cutting actinidia cuttings, there are the calendar dates when they have not yet entered the phase of active growth.


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