
  • L. V. Kalyuzhna
  • V. V. Polishchuk



tulips, decorativeness, basal stamen filament, distal stamen filament, RHS flower colour, landscaping


The article investigates and carries out a comparative characteristic of the morphological features of the flower structure of medium-flowering tulips: Darwin hybrids (5 varieties – “Golden Apeldoorn”, “World’s Favourite”, “Salmon Impression”, “Hakuun”, “Oxford Wonder”) and Triumph tulips (6 varieties – “Shirley dream”, “Memphis”, “Alibi”, “Holland Beauty”, “Dynasty”, “Carola”) at the experimental plot of the Department of Gardening and Park Management of the Uman National University of Horticulture during 2021–2023 years. It has been determined that the decorative value of tulips is characterized by a large number of morphological traits. At the same time, the size and shape of the petals, which are arranged in two rows, is important. An ordinary flower bud has six petals, so if there are 3–5 buds on a flower stalk, then there will be 18–30 petals. A brief biological and decorative characteristic of tulips of the medium-flowering group – classes of Darwin hybrids and Triumph tulips – is given. The study and description of the morphological features of the flower structure were carried out in accordance with the current methods and with the help of measurements and calculations. It was found that the studied tulip samples of the Darwin hybrids and Triumph tulips classes did not differ significantly in height and diameter of the flower, but mostly had different anthocyanin colour. It should be noted that the colour of tulips depends on the combinations in which carotenoids and flavonols – natural dyes – appeared in accordance with the natural selection of free crossing. In healthy plants, inflorescences are directed strictly upwards, although in some varieties of tulips there are peduncles of an inclined type. In addition, the colouring of the basal and distal half of the stamen thread, the primary and secondary colouring determines the decorative features of the studied varieties and increases their economic value. In addition, the colour of the basal and distal halves of the stamen thread, the primary and secondary colouring determines the decorative features of the studied varieties and increases their economic value. The most promising varieties for use in landscape design have been identified by morphological characteristics and their economic value has been analyzed.


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