
  • V. D. Tromsiuk
  • O. V. Bondarenko




winter triticale, collection sample, yield, dry matter


Winter triticale has a significant potential for high fodder and grain productivity, but further breeding improvement of varieties in these areas is important to achieve optimal results. The availability of appropriate source material is important. The research was conducted in 2021, 2022 at the department of breeding of forage, cereal spiked and industrial crops of the Institute of feed and agriculture of Podillia NAAS. The starting material for the research was 34 collection samples of winter triticale of different ecological and geographical origin obtained from the National center of plant genetic resources of Ukraine. According to the results of the research, it was determined that the hydrothermal conditions of the 2021 and 2022 growing seasons had a significant impact on the fodder and grain productivity of the studied winter triticale samples. The optimal weather conditions for the formation of high triticale yields are moderate temperatures and sufficient precipitation. The best hydrothermal conditions in 2021 contributed to an increase in the fodder and grain productivity of most samples. According to the results of studies of 34 samples of winter triticale, it was found that on average in 2021, 2022, the dry matter yield of early ripe winter triticale samples ranged from 0.66 to 0.94 kg/m2; mid-ripening – 0.65–0.85 kg/m2 and late ripening – 0.57–0.97 kg/m2. More favorable conditions in 2021, namely sufficient precipitation in the spring, led to better plant development and, accordingly, dry matter collection on average for all samples was 45.1% higher than in 2022. Samples of winter triticale that can be used as donors of traits to increase fodder productivity were identified: early ripening (NTH 1933 and NTH 3476), mid-season (Pavlodarskyi, AD 256, Maiak, Desiatynne, Borislav and Yaroslava), late ripening (Buzhanske, Sybyrskyi, Soiuz and Urahan); grain productivity – Parus, Maestro, AD 256, Bozhych, Obrii myronivskyi, Beta, Yaroslava, Bard, Sybyrskyi, Salto and Urahan.


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