
  • N. P. Sadovska
  • H. B. Popovych
  • A. F. Hamor
  • M. I. Opalenyk



beans, seeds, Rhizohumin, predecessors, productivity


The results of the study of the growth processes and the formation of the productivity of vegetable beans growing after the predecessor crops of potatoes and grain beans using untreated and treated sowing seeds by biological preparation Rhizohumin. It was shown that using of Rhizohumin for pre-sowing seed treatment didn`t have a significant effect of the growing season duration of vegetable beans. At the same time, the lowest energy of seed germination (90.7%) was noted in the control variant on the area with the potato precursor culture. In other variants, it ranged from 94.7 to 97.3%. It is obvious that the increase of germination energy (from 4.0 to 7.3%) was obtained due to the presence of aboriginal strains of nodule bacteria and the presence of new strains of bubble bacteria in experimental versions of bacterial cells. In the variant where the seeds were treated by biopreparation and grown after the predecessor of the potatoes the highest rates of increase in vegetative above-ground mass were obtained. The best results were obtained with processing seeds in the area where potatoes served as a predecessor. The area of the leaf surface was 4.9% greater than when using a legume precursor. Pre-sowing inoculation by the biological preparation caused an increase in both the total mass of the plants, as well as its above-ground part and roots. At the same time, higher indicators were obtained in areas where beans were grown after potatoes. The largest number of beans (11 pcs./plant) was formed on the variant with sowing of inoculated seeds on the area after potatoes. Accordingly, in the control its were formed by 27.3% less. On the site where the precursor was grain beans in the experiment, 10% more fruits were formed on the plants than in the control. Using of Rhizohumin led to an increase the productivity both when growing after potatoes and after grain beans. But the indicators of total (8.1 t/ha) and marketable (7.9 t/ha) yield were higher in the variant where leguminous crops served as a precursor. After the predecessor of potatoes – 7.9 t/ha and 7.7 t/ha, respectively. At the same time, the increase in marketable productivity compared the control was higher after potatoes, 1.8 t/ha versus 1.5 t/ha.


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