
  • N. M. Bunyak




spring barley, collection samples, lodging resistance, protein and starch content, productivity, disease resistance


The article is devoted to the study of barley collection material and selection of samples with a complex of valuable economic characteristics in the conditions of the Northern Forest Steppe of Ukraine. In the period 2020–2022 was conducted to study 44 sorts and lines of domestic and foreign breeding of various ecological and geographical origins. The majority (18 samples) originate from Ukraine (UKR), 13 from Canada (CAN), 6 from Kazakhstan (KAZ), 4 from the Czech Republic (CZE), 2 from Serbia (SRB) and 1 sample from Austria (AUS), covering 9 varieties (var. nutans, var. inerme, var. ricotense, var. submedicum, var. parallelum, var. pallidum, var. nudum, var. medicum, var. deficiens). During three years of research, the collection material was divided grouping according to the height of the plants and the characteristics that shape productivity. Shortstemmed samples were selected: Clipper (AUS), Polygena, Trebon (SRB), Danielle (CZE), Arthur (CZE) and standard variety Vzyrets (UKR). According to the results of two years (2020, 2022), Shuffle (CZE) and Dianthus (UKR) samples were noted for their low stems. Samples were distinguished by resistance to diseases (powdery mildew, drechslera teres) and the quality of biochemical indicators of grain. According to the results of evaluation and study of spring barley, the best samples with a complex of valuable economic characteristics were selected: Stimul (UKR) and CDC Clear (CAN) (spike length, kernel number per spike, weight of grains from spike, mass of grains from a plant, mass of 1000 grains); Arthur (CZE) (short stem length, spike length, kernel number per spike, weight of grains from spike, weight of 1000 grains) and Inari (CZE) (spike length, kernel number per spike, weight of grains from spike, weight of 1000 grains). The samples Krasen (Orion) (UKR), CDC ExPlus (CAN), CDC Hilose (CAN) were characterized by high productive bushiness. The samples with high protein content (≥16.0%) were: Dianthus, Ly–1059, Ly–1096, Ly–1089 (UKR); Erie and Gateway (CAN).


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