Requirements for drafting articles

The journal accepts articles in Ukrainian and (or) English. The article must be of high quality from a scientific point of view and correspond to the general direction of the journal.

Full-length articles or reviews can have 10-20 typewritten pages of text (20-40 thousand of printed symbols). Their aim is to inform scientists about the most important fundamental investigations.

At the time of submission, the article must not have been published or submitted to print in other mass media.

All abbreviations should be deciphered.

The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the given statistical and other data, sources, quotations, etc.

The article is taken from the photo of the author, so it is necessary to send it to the editorial office as a file in electronic format (in the image format .jpg, digitally or scanned at least 300 dpi, high quality, can be informal, not less than 800 Kb, size 10 cm).

 Formatting of articles

- format - A4 (210x297 mm);

- all margins - 20 mm each;

- font size - 14 pt. Font - Times New Roman;

- line spacing - one and a half;

- paragraph indentation - 1.5;

- graphic material should be done in the available  for editing applications: tables – in Microsoft Word; diagrams – in Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Graph; pictures – in the form of organizational  diagrams using the drawing panel of Microsoft Word; mathematical formulas – in equation editor Microsoft Equation (3.0);

- files should be saved in Microsoft Word.

Structure of the article


- UDC;
- Full name of the author (co-authors);
- academic degree, academic title, position, place of work;
- e-mail;
- title of the article;
- annotations in Ukrainian and English (Abstract) languages - minimum 1800 characters. Keywords (up to five).

The main sections of the article:

problem definition (description of the problem being analyzed, in general form and its relationship with important scientific or practical tasks);

analysis of recent researches and publications (which show the problems solution and upon which relied an author, the allocation of unsolved aspects of the general problem, to which the article is dedicated);

- the purpose of the article;

methods of investigation (should be described in the case of the existence of novelty in it and its interest in terms of the presented article);

results of investigation (with full justification of obtained scientific results);

conclusions (results of the investigation and prospects of further research in this direction, conclusion should be consistent with the objective);

The list of literature should consist of two parts: 1) "Literature", formed in alphabetical order, without numbering, in the language of cited sources, first in Cyrillic, then in Latin. The bibliographic description of the list of references is drawn up taking into account the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation" developed in 2015. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation"; 2) References - the same sources, but in English, designed according to the international standard of bibliographic description APA (American Psychological Association).

All structural sections in the text should be in bold.

Features of typing symbols, figures, formulas

If it’s possible, typing of formulas should be simplified, simple fractional expressions should be written in a single line using slash, don’t leave in the formulas unnecessary multiplication signs. It is desirable to enumerate only those formulas for which  references exist.

Latin letters in math formulas are typed in italics.

Mathematical signs of actions and correlations should be separated from adjacent symbols.

Should be a clear distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters. It should be clearly distinguished between O (the letter) and 0 (zero), 1 (one) and I (“Roman one” or the letter “i”), l (Latin “el”).

Designation of centuries should be written in Roman figures (XIX century).

Illustrations, Tables

Pictures, graphs, schemes should be made clearly. Size of one picture – less than A4 size. It is necessary to minimize the explanation on the picture, transfering them into caption. All details of the pictire after its reduction should be well distinguished.

Photos should have a contrast image and should be in electronic form.

All illustrations are numbered by single serial numbering and are provided by concise and accurate captions. The illustrations should have references in the text. 

Tables should be used only to represent data that couldn’t be described in the text. Words in the tables should be written fully, hyphens should be placed correctly.

Units of measurement, denotements

All dimensions of physical quantities should be given in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).

Units of measurement should be separated from symbols and figures to which they belong.

                                                   Prohibition of using scientific works of the occupying country
It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.