Dear visitors! Welcome to the official website of the journal
“Bulletin of Uman National University of Horticulture”!
Ukraine is one of the leading countries-suppliers of agricultural products on the world food market. Therefore, extremely important is the creation of favorable conditions not only for production but also for scientific and technological developments in this industry. The rapid development of science and technology in the modern world require the establishment of adequate mechanisms not only for generating the ideas, but also to distribute them among scholars and practitioners. This journal will serve as a platform for the exchange of scientific achievements in the field of agriculture for domestic and foreign scholars, enabling them not only to keep abreast of the latest achievements of agricultural science, but also to be actively involved in their discussion.
Currently “Bulletin of Uman National University of Horticulture” is at the beginning of a long and productive way, but we hope that it will become one of the leading publications and will be useful both to the scientific community and to agribusiness not only in Ukraine but also in other countries of the world.
Purpose of the journal - to provide the scientific support of the development of theory and practice of agricultural sciences.
Founded: 2001.
Founder: Uman National University of Horticulture
Certificate of registration: KB № 17575-6425 PR 04.03.2011.
ISSN 2310-0478 (Online), ISSN 2310-046X (Print)
Field of science: agricultural sciences.
Periodicity of journal - 2 times a year.
Language: Ukrainian, English.
On the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 975 dated 11.07.2019 (Annex 7), the journal is included in the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine (category "B") in the field of Natural Sciences (101 - Ecology), Production and Technologies (181 - Food technologies), Agricultural sciences and food (201 – Agronomy, 202 – Plant protection and quarantine, 203 – Horticulture and viticulture, 206 – Horticulture).
Our journal is listed in the following international databases: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory of the American publishing house Bowker, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, OpenDOAR, ROAD.
Editor-in-Chief: V.P. Karpenko, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor.
Technical Secretary: Malyovanyy M.I., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.