
  • А. О. Shevchenko
  • S. V. Prasol
  • B. V. Mykhailov
  • I. G. Babanov
  • O. I. Babanova



electrophysical methods, installation, device, heat treatment, electric-contact heating, microwave, drying, concentration, vacuuming, soaking, vegetable raw materials, beans.


The article provides an analysis of the application of electrophysical methods of processing food plant raw materials in modern technologies, installations and devices. It has been established that, among the electrophysical methods, microwave (UHF) processing and electric-contact heating (ECH) are promising electrophysical methods that can improve the processes of roasting, soaking, drying, and concentration. Obtaining sets of data for the purpose of optimization of methods with ECH and UHF requires the introduction of technical means for conducting experimental research, which involves the development of modern laboratory facilities. An installation was developed for studying the processes of microwave concentration and microwave drying of food plant raw materials under vacuum conditions with stirring. The effect of reducing the duration of the investigated processes, which occurs as a result of the mixing of raw materials during microwave processing, is determined. Based on this, installation for thickening (drying) food systems using microwave heating and washing were developed. In order to study the processes of heating with ECH, an installation has been developed that allows to carry out processes of different types, forms and frequencies of electric current; as well as an installation for combined roasting. With the help of these installations, the change in temperature of samples from minced meat based on vegetable raw materials during their processing by the ECH method and combining different heating methods was investigated. At the same time, there is a significant reduction in the unevenness of the temperature field in the volume of the sample, which is an advantage compared to traditional methods of heating. More intensive heating is carried out by a combined method of frying with EKH. On the basis of the conducted research, a multifunctional device for thermal processing of food products PTO-0.1 was developed. An installation was developed for the study of bean soaking under the conditions of the thermal method with ECH. It allows you to study the process of soaking beans in a cold way, a hot way with heating by heat transfer and a hot way with ECH. It has been proven that the cold method is the least energy-consuming, but long-lasting. To implement the hot method, which is effective from the point of view of energy saving and reducing the duration, it is advisable to use soaking under ECH conditions.


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