
  • I. I. Mykolaiko



variety, quality of seeds, energy of germination, germination, storage period.


The influence of the storage period of mustard seeds in an airtight container on its quality was analyzed, depending on the air temperature of 18–20°C and 5–6°C and varietal characteristics. It was found that, on average, according to varieties, when seeds were stored for one year, both at an air temperature of 18–20°С and at 5–6°С, the energy of germination and its germination did not decrease and were the same as in the control - before the start of the experiment. During storage for two and three years at an air temperature of 18–20°С, the energy and germination of seeds significantly decreased, compared to the control, and the energy of germination decreased more intensively than germination. During three years of storage, germination energy decreased by 8%, and germination decreased by 5%. At the same time, during the storage of mustard seeds at an air temperature of 5–6°С, their quality - the energy of germination and germination was not lost for three years, but only a trend of their decrease was observed. The analysis of seed quality during storage at temperatures of 18–20 and 5–6°C, depending on varietal characteristics, revealed that during the first year, a significant decrease in germination energy was not detected in all varieties, only a tendency to decrease the indicator was observed during storage at 18–20°C. During storage at an air temperature of 18–20°C, the energy of germination significantly decreased in all varieties in the third year of storage. The greatest decrease (by 9%) of this indicator compared to the control was observed in the seeds of Tsarivna Pivnochi, Ariadna and Pidpecheretska varieties, and the least (by 7%) in the Oslava variety. Long-term storage of mustard seeds is advisable at low temperatures. It was established that the factor «storage conditions», respectively –51.2% and 42.7%, and «storage period», respectively – 20.1% and 23.9%, had the greatest influence on the energy of germination and germination of mustard seeds. The influence of the interaction of the factors «storage conditions*storage period» was significant, which was 14.2% for germination energy, 14.0% for germination. The influence of other factors and their interaction were insignificant.


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