
  • I. V. Plisko
  • K. Yu. Romanchuk
  • K. M. Kutsova



agrophysical properties, soil, correlation-regression analysis, heterogeneity, crop yield.


The article highlights the influence of the spatial heterogeneity of the agrophysical properties of the arable layer of soils (structural composition, hardness and density of the structure) on the yield of winter wheat and sunflower on the example of a territorial object located in the Left Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationships between the agrophysical properties of soils and the yield of crops using correlation-regression data analysis methods. Research has established that the heterogeneity of the crop yield was largely determine by the heterogeneity of the studied agrophysical properties of arable soils. The greatest heterogeneity was characterized by the content of the lumpy fraction (particle size >10 mm) (the coefficient of variation (Kv) was equal to 0.33) and the content of the dusty fraction (particle size <0.25 mm) (Kv= 0.42). Indicators of soil hardness within the territorial object ranged from 8.8 to 14.3 kgf/cm2 and did not exceed the acceptable parameters for the germination and development of most agricultural crops. During the research period, the density of the structure varied from 1.20 to 1.45 g/cm3. It was found that the worst indicators of agrophysical parameters were recorded in those parts of the territorial object, where the soil cover is represented by lightgray and gray podzolized weakly and moderately washed heavy loam and light clay soils, where the decrease in the yield of cultivated crops is recorded. The significance of the relationships between the individual researched indicators and the yield of crops, as well as their correlation with each other, was assessed. An average positive correlation was noted between the yield of winter wheat and the content of agronomically valuable aggregates (particles 10–0.25 mm in size) and hardness of soil in the 0-10 cm layer. In sunflower crops, the highest correlation was observed between the content of the lumpy fraction and the content of agronomically valuable aggregates. The calculation of multiple regression models showed that the yield of cultivated crops by 71% and 59%, respectively, for winter wheat (multiple correlation coefficient (r) was equal to 0.84) and sunflower (r=0.77) was explained by the combined influence of the researched agrophysical indicators of arable soils.


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