
  • I. I. Palamarchuk



vegetable peas, sowing dates, organic cultivation, phenological phases, biometric parameters, productivity.


Research has established the influence of the terms of sowing vegetable pea seeds on the growth, development and yield of plants. According to research data, the second decade of March was the most optimal sowing period. The number of leaves during this sowing period was 12.8 pieces/plant (budding phase), which is 0.8 pieces/plant more than the control variant. The height of the plants was 49.2 cm, which is 3.0 cm more than the control. According to the obtained data, with each successive sowing period, the number of leaves and plant height decreased, which was caused by less favorable weather conditions, namely: an increase in temperature and a decrease in soil moisture. The indicators of the number of leaves and the height of plants during the sowing period of the first and second decade of April were smaller compared to the control variant by 0.3 and 1.4 pcs/plant and 2.8 and 3.9 cm, respectively. In order to establish the patterns of growth and development of pea plants depending on the time of sowing, biometric measurements were also carried out in the flowering and grain filling phases. The above-mentioned regularity between the development of plants at different sowing dates was preserved. Thus, the largest number of leaves and plant height was recorded during the sowing period of the second decade of March, where the increase relative to the control was 0.5 and 2.0 pieces/plant and 3.4 and 7.6 cm. The increase in these indicators was at the level of 3 and 11 .7% and 6 and 11.5% more compared to the indicators of the control variant. Sowing dates affected the duration of interphase periods of pea plants. Phenological observations showed that the timing of sowing affects the duration of the interphase periods of green peas. Thus, the period "seedlings – flowering" was longer than the sowing period of the II decade of March, which is, respectively, 2 days longer compared to the control version and 11 days longer than the later sowing period (II decade of April). The longest growing season was during the sowing period of the II decade of March and was 51 days, which is 9 days longer than the sowing period of the II decade of April. During the sowing period of the second decade of March, the number of beans per plant was 8.5 pcs., which is 0.6 pcs more than during the sowing period of the third decade of March (control). The increase in the number of seeds during the sowing period of the II decade of March was 7.0 pcs./plant, the weight of grain was 1.7 pcs./plant, and the increase in the weight of 1000 seeds was 15.0 g. The sowing period of the II decade of March ensured the highest yield of vegetable peas where the increase relative to the control was 1.4 t/ha.


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