
  • O. O. Burkovetskyi



melon, ripeness group, productivity, production, area.


Today, providing the population of Ukraine with quality food products is an important issue that needs to be resolved. Any agrotechnology for growing vegetable crops uses a certain variety or hybrid as its basis. Varietal resources are one of the main priorities of the state. They represent the product of the intellectual activity of a significant part of society – breeders, ecologists, variety testers. This assortment in vegetable production is very diverse. Therefore, in order to choose the right variety for cultivation and meet production requirements, we conducted analytical studies. What was done on the basis of a review of literary sources. The article analyzes the world market of melon fruit production and its varietal resources and directions of their use in Ukraine. The results of global cultivation areas (1.077 million ha) by country, gross production (28.617 million tons), average yield – 25.1 t/ha, in the world and by producing countries – from 6.3 t/ha in Ukraine are highlighted up to 57.6 t/ha in Honduras, which indicates the need for the selection of varieties and hybrids to increase the efficiency of cultivation technology and the use of bioclimatic resources of Ukraine to support the melon industry. The market of the value of export and import by country was analyzed, where it was found that Spain receives the largest income from the export of melons ‒ 867.3 million USD, Mexico – 374.8 million USD and the Netherlands – 280.9 million USD, and the largest importers of products are the United States of America – 761.9 million USD, Germany – 507.3 million USD, France – 342.8 million USD and the Netherlands – 313.5 million USD. As a result of research, it was found that the Netherlands is the largest importer of seeds to Ukraine, which also confirms their significant export of melon fruits to the world market. An analysis of melon varietal resources in Ukraine showed that a larger share, namely 76% of varieties and hybrids of foreign selection, while only 26% of domestic melons. Among the total number of varieties and hybrids of melons, early ripening melons, recommended for the Forest-Steppe, predominate due to changes in climate conditions.


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