
  • І. M. Bоbоs
  • О. O. Kоmаr



asparagus cowpea, bean, bush variety, productivity, seeds, plant density.


The article is devoted to determining the influence of plant density on the seed productivity of cowpea asparagus, which will improve the technology of growing the crop and expand the species diversity of legumes and increase the supply of cheap, easily accessible protein to consumers. The results of research on planting schemes are presented: 70 × 10 (143 thousand plants/ha), 70 × 25 (57 thousand plants/ha), 70 × 40 (36 thousand plants/ha), 70 × 50 cm (29 thousand plants/ha) on the bush cowpea varieties Kafedralna (Ukraine) and U-Tya-Kontou (China). The productivity and average yield of dry seeds were significantly influenced by plant density, since in the course of life there was a constant competition for moisture, light and nutrients between plants. It was found that plants of bush cowpea varieties had a wide range of variability in morphological and economically valuable traits, which affected their seed productivity. High productivity of dry seeds was observed in the varieties U-Tya-Kontou and Kafedralna at a plant density of 29 thousand units/ha with a weight of 1000 seeds 196–209 g. At the same time, thickening of plants influenced the higher yield of ripe seeds, which was higher at a density of 143 thousand plants/ha and amounted to 2.5 t/ha for U-tya-Kontou and 2.6 t/ha for Kafedralna with a weight of 1000 seeds 182–190 g. A direct strong relationship between plant density and yield of ripe seeds (r=0.96; 0.97), number of seeds per bean (r=0.91; 0.95) and an inverse strong relationship with weight of 1000 seeds (r=-0.85; -0.93) and productivity of ripe seeds per plant (r=-0.98) was found. According to the results of regression equations, it was found that an increase in plant density by 10 thousand plants contributed to a decrease in the productivity of ripe seeds per plant by 1.3 g for the variety U-Tya-Kontou and by 1.2 g for the variety Kafedralna and an increase in the yield of ripe seeds by 0.1 t/ha, respectively, for both varieties.


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