
  • V. P. Shlapak
  • A. V. Kodzhebash
  • M. I. Parubok




history of creation; species composition; Rubtsov's classification; park landscape type, species diversity


The location, history of development, and current state of the park "Peremoha" in Cherkasy are studied. Cherkasy, the composition of the plantation and the distribution of the park territory by types of landscape gardening landscapes according to L. I. Rubtsov are analyzed, the indices of species diversity by Whitaker, Simpson and Shannon are calculated, and the sanitary condition of the plantation is assessed. It was noted that the park had several stages of its heyday. Peremoha Park in Cherkasy. Cherkasy was opened in 1975 in the Southwestern neighborhood of the city (at that time it was an outskirts), adjacent to Smelyanska and Zoolohichna streets. In 1982, it received the status of a monument of landscape art. The park's current area is 20.2 hectares. The park features artificial hills and a lake with a network of streams. There is a memorial, entertainment and landscape area. The city park is connected to the Cherkasy Zoological Park. The symbol of the park is the SU-7BKL aircraft, which was installed as a memorial sign in honor of the pilots of the 8th Guards Bomber Aviation Division, which liberated Cherkasy from the Nazis. In 1985, the park was reopened after the renovation of the ground floor. Currently, the park is guarded and has a lighting network. Small architectural forms are also represented by garden benches for short and long term rest, sculptures, and garbage cans. There are pavilions and attractions. An analysis of the park's woody vegetation was carried out with the distribution of growing species in relation to genera, families and divisions. 77 species of woody plants belonging to 47 genera and 25 families grow in Peremoha Park. Species diversity of tree plantations is quite high. The Whitaker 1 index is 8.00, Whitaker 2 – 11.61, Shannon – 1.22, Simpson – 12.34. During the examination of trees on a trial area of 10,000 m2, 270 trees were found in accordance with sanitary standards, which are classified as category 1, 96 – as category 2, 25 – as category 3, 13 – as category 4, 16 – as category 5, and 1 – as category 6, the park's plantations are weakened.


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