
  • T. О. Boiko
  • A. М. Vorona



flower gardens, annual plants, perennial plants, taxonomic composition, greening


Flower gardens are important elements of the large green areas. They affect the appearance of streets, squares, park landscapes, diversify the urban landscape, contribute to the creation of ecological balance and affect the emotional state of the population. Floral design gives landscaping objects unique features, allows you to diversify the space, add bright colours and logically complete compositions. Spatial placement of flower gardens in modern urban planning should be subordinated to the general concept of urban planning, and according to the stylistic design, should harmoniously fit into the existing landscaping objects. Their creation and care is an investment in the sustainable development of the modern city, its tourist and recreational attractiveness and, in general, the creation of ecological balance of urboecosystems. As a result of research, it was established that 49 species of herbaceous plants belonging to 37 genera and 22 families were identified in the flower gardens of Kropyvnytskyi. The most numerous are representatives of the families Asteraceae Dum. (8 species), Liliaceae Juss. (6 species), Lamiaceae Lindl. (5 species), Crassulaceae DC. (3 species), Geraniaceae Juss. (3 species). Other families are represented by one or two species. 15 species of annual plants, 34 species of perennial plants. Only 9 species occur en masse. The most common in the floral decoration of the central part of the city of Kropyvnytskyi are annual plants Рetunia х hybrida Vilm., Coleus scutellarioides (L.) Benth., Pelargonium peltatum (L.), Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad. and perennial plants Gaillardia x hybrida Kobold., Sedum reflexum L., Hylotelephium spectabile (Boreau) H. Ohba, Tulipa hybridus L., Muscari botryoides (L.) Mill. The projective covering of flower gardens is dominated by decorative leafy and beautiful flowering annual plants. The borders of some parterre flower beds are surrounded by clipped borders. It is proposed to expand the assortment of flowering plants with perennial species that are adapted to the climate of arid regions, have long-lasting flowering and a decorative appearance throughout the year, and can also look harmoniously in different flower beds, combine with traditional flower crops, and combine with evergreen and deciduous background plants.


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