
  • M. M. Tsandur



actinidia, fruits, rare crops, commercial quality, productivity, yield, tasting assessment


The article is devoted to the study of the productivity and commercial value of the genus Actinidia Lindl plants fruits. Actinidia is a non-traditional and fairly new culture for Ukraine, which is gaining more and more popularity today due to its taste qualities, medicinal and decorative properties. Actinidia varieties of the French selection Tahi and Isai were used in the study. The research was conducted during 2020–2022. at the experimental planting of the limited liability company "Black Sea Alliance" of the Bilyaiv district of the Odesa region. Actinidia was grown on a trellis with drip irrigation. Research results show that, regardless of the year of observation, the fruits of Tahi variety are larger, the bushes of this variety give more productivity (5.07 … 15.87 kg/ plant). The average weight of actinidia fruits of the Tahi variety over the research years ranged from 15.32 to 18.03 g, the maximum weight of one fruit reached 18.21 to 22.31 g. Fruits of this variety received a higher tasting score (8.3 points) than fruits of Isai variety (7.7 points). It was established that Tahi fruits had the best appearance and were of higher quality, where 53, 51, and 64% of fruits were classified as the highest (premium) commercial grade over the years of research, respectively. Actinidia plants of the Isai variety gave a significantly lower productivity (5.02 … 13.57 kg). The average weight of the fruits of the Isai variety ranged from 10.89 to 13.89 g. The maximum weight of one fruit reached 15.22 to 18.21 g. The fruits of the Isai variety had a somewhat worse marketable appearance and, according to years of research, to a higher (premium) commercial grade 37, 36 and 41% of fruits were assigned.


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