
  • O. І. Zabolotnyі



net productivity of photosynthesis, yield, biological preparations, winter triticale


The article presents the results of the study of the pre-sowing bacteriization the seeds of winter triticale by biological preparations of microbial origin on the formation the level of net productivity of photosynthesis and productivity of crop. It was established that the use of Polymyxobacterin, Phosphoenterin and Biocomplex BTU had a positive effect on increasing the studied indicators. It was found that the level of net productivity of photosynthesis and crop yield depended on the type of microbial preparation used for the purpose of pre-sowing bacteriization of seeds, and on weather conditions during the years of research. In particular, the photosynthetic and grain productivity in 2023 was inferior to the results obtained in 2022, which was due to the excessive amount of precipitation in April 2023, during which the active development of foliar diseases was observed. This had a negative impact on the formation of net productivity of photosynthesis and crop productivity. It was established that in the control variant in 2022 the value of the net productivity of photosynthesis was 2,36, while in 2023 it was 2,19 g/m2 per day. Regarding crop productivity, in 2022, in the control version of the experiment, the yield was 4,52 t/ha, as opposed to 3,95 t/ha in 2023. However, despite the differences in weather conditions, the dependence of the formation of the studied indicators on the type of microbial preparations remained the same in both years of research. On average, during the years of research on the treatment of winter triticale seeds before sowing with microbial preparations Polymyxobacterin, Phosphoenterin and Biocomplex BTU, an increase in the value of the net productivity of photosynthesis indicator compared to the control was observed by 5, 10 and 13%, and the yield increase was 9, 13 and 16%, respectively, according to the kind microbial preparation. The formation of higher rates of net productivity of photosynthesis and crop productivity after seed treatment by microbiological preparations was determined by the direct effect on plants of microorganisms (a component of preparations), which increased the availability of nutrients for culture plants and stimulated the passage of basic physiological and biochemical processes in plants produced by biologically active substances. According to the analysis of the obtained results of research, the most effective was the use in the sowing of winter triticale the microbiological preparation Biocomplex BTU, which the increase the net productivity of photosynthesis on average over the years of research was 13% under the increasing of crop yields by 16%.


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