
  • A. O. Sichkar
  • L. V. Vyshnevska
  • S. V. Rogalskyi
  • V. S. Kravchenko
  • R. M. Prytulyak



root and stubble residues, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, corn, white bean, soybean, fodder beans, mixed crops


The article presents the results of a three-year study of the content of root and stubble residues in the soil and the presence of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium nutrients in them after harvesting corn, corn with corn, corn with fodder beans, corn of milk-wax maturity with soybeans in the phase of shiny soybeans, fully ripe fodder beans with row spacings of 45 cm and 70 cm. On the experimental plot, after collecting the predecessor, we carried out plowing to a depth of 25 cm. As the ridges dried, we carried out early spring harrowing in two tracks with harrows ZBSS – 1.0, followed by cultivation to a depth of 6–8 cm. Mineral fertilizers were applied at the rate of N120P60K90. Phosphorous and potash fertilizers were applied in the fall for plowing the soil, and nitrogen fertilizers were applied in the spring for cultivation. Seeds of mid-early hybrid corn Kadr 267 MV, mid-early soybean variety Kyivska 27 mid-ripening variety of one-year white burkun Khersonsky souvenir, pre-maturing variety of fodder beans Orion were used for sowing. Sowing rates in mixed and single-species crops were: 25 kg/ha of corn, 10 kg/ha of white beans, 80 kg/ha of fodder beans, and 30 kg/ha of soybeans. Research has established significant increases in the accumulation of organic residues on mixed crops of corn with soybeans (0.36–0.40 t/ha) and corn with white corn (0.42–0.44 t/ha). The analysis of the accumulation of nutrients in the organic residues showed that the nitrogen content in the plots after mixed sowing of corn on silage with burdock was in the range of 85.8–87.4 kg/ha, with soybeans – 83.7–85.7 kg/ha compared with single-species corn crops under control 54.3–55.7 kg/ha. Observations showed that the phosphorus content in the plots after mixed crops of corn on silage with burgun increased and was in the range of 20.8–21.6 kg/ha, with soybeans – 20.1–20.9 kg/ha compared to single-species crops. of corn under control is 16.8–17.4 kg/ha. The content of potassium in the organic residues of mixed crops of corn on silage with burgun was also higher and was in the range of 60.3–62.1 kg/ha, with soybeans – 58.6–60.1 kg/ha compared to single-species crops of corn on control 53.1–54.1 kg/ha.


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