
  • V. О. Yeshchenko
  • Yu. І. Naklioka
  • H. V. Koval



plowing, flat-cutting cultivation, tillage depth, structure, density, porosity, moisture, podzolized chernozem


In a stationary experiment on podzolized chernozem, its physical condition was studied when plowing was replaced by flat-cut loosening at different depths under a five-field crop rotation: barley – soybean – rapeseed – wheat – linseed. It was investigated that the content of the agronomically valuable fraction of structural aggregates against the background of flat-cut cultivation was not lower compared to plowing. On average, during the crop rotation for 2012–2017, a tendency to increase this indicator in the 0–30 cm soil layer with flat-cut loosening compared to plowing by 0.9–1.2 % was established. The reduction of the depth of both cultivation measures had little effect on the structure of the soil. The density of the soil in the 0–30 cm layer under both ways of minimizing the main tillage had only a tendency to increase, but at the same time it did not exceed the limits of optimality under any culture, that is, it was not higher than 1.30 g/cm3. The total porosity of the arable layer of the soil at the beginning of the growing season of cultivated crops from the replacement of multi-depth plowing with the same flat-cut loosening slightly decreased in absolute terms, remaining within the limits of satisfactory parameters for this indicator. And if at the beginning of the growing season, the difference in total porosity on average for all crops grown in crop rotation did not exceed 1.7, respectively; 11.6 and 1.5 %, and by the middle of the growing season it was even lower – 0.9, respectively; 1.0 and 0.7 %. Neither the replacement of shelf tillage by shelf-less tillage, nor the reduction of both methods of main tillage had practically no effect on the spring reserves of available moisture in the meter-long soil layer. Thus, at the beginning of the growing season of barley, soybeans, rapeseed, wheat, and linseed, the largest difference between the reserves of available moisture in the meter layer did not exceed 1.5 according to the cultivation options, respectively; 0.3; 1.1; 1.5 and 1.9 mm, by the middle of the growing season – 5.2, respectively; 8.1; 5.4; 4.3 and 5.6 mm and at the end of the growing season, respectively, 5.6; 4.7; 5.2; 1.7 and 4.5 mm.


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