
  • D. A. Derevyanko
  • V. M. Polishchuk
  • R. S. Grudovy
  • O. D. Derevyanko



seeds, micro-trauma, technical means, working bodies, impact, modeling, strength, speed, quality


It is important to increase grain yields to 55-60 centners per hectare to produce 100 million tons of grain to fulfill the main task of the country's agro-industrial complex in terms of quantitative and qualitative food supply. The preparation of quality seeds is crucial to solve this issue. The main purpose of the research is to reduce macro- and micro-damages of seeds and to improve quality indicators especially germination ability, weight, natural weight, gluten, protein during grain thrashed heap processing as well as the preparation of quality seeds at all stages of the process from harvesting to sowing and development or technological parameters improvement of the working bodies of technical means for the implementation of these processes in production. The research was carried out on the basis of the mathematical model approach of seed preparation processes, application of differentiation, integration, general laws of mechanics and modern computer calculations. It is proved that the best quality seeds with minimal deformation and damage were obtained during their preparation on a sieve with a diameter of 2.6 mm at speeds up to 6 rad. s-1. Experimental, laboratory and production results of the research have shown that at the speed of a sieve more than 9 rad. s-1, seeds weighing 0.05-0.06 g. undergo significant micro-trauma, sometimes reaching 35-45% and significantly reduce their quality especially germination ability, even less than 70%. Prospects for the further research should focus on studying the impact of different working bodies of technical means in the complex and the relations between the grains of different varieties of grain crops in all technological processes of seed preparation from harvesting to sowing.


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