wheat flour, pumpkin flour, bread, technological parameters of bread qualityAbstract
It was found that the effect of the amount of added flour on the indicators of baking and drying of the finished product was quite low. With 67 % probability, a change in the amount of added flour had a reliable effect on baking, and the probability of such an effect on baking did not exceed 10%. The indicators of the volume and specific dough volume and the finished product varied reliably depending on the amount of added pumpkin flour. Change trends in the volume indicators, as well as the specific volume of dough and bread were similar. The increase in flour amount led to a reliable and significant decrease in the above mentioned indicators. The probability of change in the weight of bread produced from 100 g of flour was quite low and did not exceed 78%. With rather low probability, it is possible to claim a decrease in the bread mass with the addition of the maximum amount of pumpkin flour (20%). The control sample and other experimental variants (the amount of added flour from 5 to 15%) had a similar bread mass – 129 g. With a high probability, the ratio indicator of the bread volume to the dough volume changed depending on the amount of added pumpkin flour. The highest value of the corresponding indicator (2.1) was fixed in the control sample. An increase in the amount of added pumpkin flour reliably and significantly reduced the value of the mentioned indicators. Less significant changes were recorded with the addition of 5 and 10% of pumpkin flour (indicator decreased by 0.1–0.2). A significant decrease in the indicator was recorded with the addition of 15–20% of pumpkin flour. The effect probability of the amount of added pumpkin flour on the bulge indicator was high (92%). At the maximum amount of added pumpkin flour (20%), a decrease in the bulge indicator by 0.03 was recorded, compared to the control sample. A change in the bulge indicator with the addition of 5–10% of pumpkin flour was hardly probable. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the effect probability of of the amount of added pumpkin flour on the quality indicators was different. Thus, the probability of the influence of the added flour amount on the indicators of bakingand drying of the finished product was quite low. The indicators of the volume and specific volume of the dough and the finished product varied reliably depending on the amount of added pumpkin flour. The probability of a change in the bread mass produced from 100 g of flour was quite low and did not exceed 78%, while the probability of the influence of the amount of added pumpkin flour on the bulge indicator was high (92%).
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