
  • S. P. Bokovets,
  • F. V. Pertsevo


gel strength, agar, furcellaran, kappa-carrageenan, gelatin, glycerin, model systems, structural and mechanical properties


The article is devoted to the study of the strength of gels based on agar, furcellaran, kappa-carrageenan and gelatin with the addition of glycerin to determine the range of concentrations of the structurant and binder component in the formulation of the body for chocolate bars. The peculiarity of the technological aspect of the use of polysaccharides (agar, gelatin, furcellaran, carrageenan) in food products is based on their ability to give products the necessary structural and mechanical properties. They are used in the food industry in the production of jam, confiture, canned fruits and vegetables, chewing gum, ice cream, condensed milk, mayonnaise, bakery products (to slow down hardening), canned meat and fish, diabetic foods, as well as in the confectionery industry. time of production of marshmallows, pastilles, marmalade, glazes, fillings, souffles, etc. The strength of the model systems "agar 1,0 %-glycerin-water", "furcellaran 1,5 %-glycerin-water", "kappa-carrageenan 1,5 %-glycerin-water" and "gelatin 4,0 %-glycerin-water". Glycerin was added to the model systems in the range of 10,0… 50,0 % in increments of 10,0 %. The effect of glycerin on the strength of gel-like systems based on agar, furcellaran, kappa-carrageenan and gelatin has been scientifically substantiated. An increase in the strength of the gel structure was found when glycerin was added in the range of 10,0…50,0 % to model systems based on agar, furcellaran and gelatin. The introduction of glycerin into the system based on kappa-carrageenan is appropriate in the range of 10.0…40,0 %. The addition of more than 40,0 % glycerol reduces the strength of the gel. It was also found that the system based on furcellaran is characterized by significantly lower gel strength compared to samples based on agar, kappa-carrageenan and gelatin.


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