
  • B. O. Chetskyi


apple, varieties, phytometric indicators


The research was conducted in 2017-2020 in apple orchards, which were located in the garden of FG "Neophytes" - a branch of the Department of Horticulture and Viticulture Uman National University of Horticulture. The objects were apple varieties: Golden Delicious (control), Fuji, Red Chief, Florina and Jonagold, grafted on rootstock M.9 and planted in 2014 according to the scheme 3.5 x 1 m. On average, during the study period, the diameter of the tree trunk ranged from 50.55 to 67.18 mm, with a significantly higher rate in the Jonagold variety and an insignificant difference between the Fuji and Red Chief varieties. According to the results of the analysis of variance, significant differences in the stem diameter were found depending on the apple variety and the year of research. The diameter of the stem of Jonagold trees was 8 mm higher than that of the control variety, with significantly lower values in trees of other varieties. The average shoot length of apple trees during the research period varied significantly depending on the variety and year of research. Thus, in 2017, the value of this indicator prevailed in trees of the Jonagold variety (47.8 cm), with an insignificant difference between the Red Chief and Florina varieties. In 2018, the average shoot length was higher in trees of the Jonagold (45.7 cm) and Red Chief (44.3 cm) varieties. In 2019-2020, a similar trend towards significant values of this indicator in these varieties was maintained. The analysis of variance revealed that during the research the maximum average net productivity of photosynthesis of apple tree leaves was achieved in the Jonagold variety, which was 1.7 times higher than the control variety and 1.4 times higher than the Fuji variety. During the research period, the minimum average productivity of photosynthesis of apple leaves was found in 2019. The final analysis for the period of research showed that the Jonagold variety prevailed in terms of stem diameter, and the average shoot length of Jonagold trees was 8.6% higher than the control, with an insignificant difference in the specified indicator of the Red Chief variety and a minimum in the Golden Delicious variety. In this case, the net productivity of photosynthesis of apple tree leaves reached maximum values in the leaves of the Jonagold variety.


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