
  • S. Mostoviak


pests, black currant (Ribes nigrum L.), monitoring, species composition


The article deals with clarifying the species composition of black currant (Ribes nigrum l.) pests in the Right-Bank ForestSteppe of Ukraine. During 2005-2020, 29 species of phytophagous insects from 15 families of 7 series and 2 species of phytophagous mites (Cecidophyopsis ribis Westw., Tetranychus urticae Koch.) were found in black currant plantations. The largest part (29% of the total number of detected species) in the structure of insect pests was occupied by representatives of a number of beetles (Coleoptera, among which the most common and harmful is the agrilus (Agrilus viridis L. ab aubei C-C.). Pests of the lepidopterans (Lepidoptera) were represented by 7 species from 5 families and accounted for 24% of the structure of the harmful entomocomplex. The most harmful representatives of this series are the currant clearwing moth (Aegeria tipuliformis Cl. (Synanthedon tipuliformis Cl.)) and common currant tortrix (Pandemis ribeana Hb.). The part of the series of homopterans (Homoptera) in the structure of the phytophagous complex was 17%, which were represented by five species of pests of the family Aphididae (aphids), among which the aphid currant (Aphis schneideri Born) is dominant. Phytophagous insects from the series hemipterans (Hemiptera), hymenopterans (Hymenoptera), dipterans (Diptera) and orthopteroids (Orthoptera) were represented by only 1–4 species and had no economic significance in terms of population density and harmfulness. Two species of herbivorous mites were also identified: the currant bud (Cecidophyopsis ribis Westw.) and the common spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch.). In terms of trophic specialization, polyphagous insects dominated, and phytophiles (dendrobiots) dominated in life forms.


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