
  • A.Y. Tokar
  • O.M. Lytovchenko
  • V. I. Voitsekhivsky


fruit and berry wine materials, activity of volatile components of arom


One of the important indicators of wine quality is the bouquet, which directly depends on the aroma of the constituents. Aromatic substances of wines can be represented by all classes of organic compounds in order to detect the effect of substances on the aroma and determine the activity of volatile components of the aroma (OAV) by dividing the concentration of the substance on its threshold concentration. If OAV> 1, means that the component already contributes to the flavor. For analysis, we took the results of studies of 25 samples of fruit and berry wine materials, in which the concentrations of volatile aromatic components were defined by chromatographic method. Threshold concentrations of components were detected from the literature and relevant databases. The activity of volatile aromatic components was calculated and analyzed, also the aroma of wine materials was determined. According to the activity of aroma components (OAV), apple wine materials have a fruity aroma, which may be accompanied by shades of pear associated with isoamyl acetate activity; pineapple – ethyl butyrate; roses and honey - phenylethyl alcohol; lilac - α -terpineol; exotic fruits - β-damascenone. The aroma of apple juice is influenced by aromatic aldehyde - trans-2-hexenal, β-damaskenone and vanillin. Pear wine materials are close to apple in terms of aroma activity and are characterized by fruit tones with strong pear tones due to the activity of isoamyl acetate and pineapple – ethyl butyrate. Gooseberry unfortified wine material from fruit species Krasen has a light red color and a clean fresh aroma with hints of fruit and pineapple. The aroma of blackcurrant wines was defined by the activity of volatile components that predetermine the fruit aroma as well as the activity of terpene alcohol α-terpineol. Wine materials contain 3-oxy-β-damascone (2.45-4.34 mg / dm3), 3-oxo-α-ionol (2.98-3.58 mg / dm3), linaloxide (0.90) and dehydro -3-oxo-α-ionol (1.05 mg / dm3), which obviously define their species flavor. Unfortified jostaberry wine materials have a red color and a distinctive delicate aroma reminiscent of pomegranate. In addition to α-terpineol, jostaberry wine material contains terpene alcohol cineole (0.84 mg / dm3), terpinene-4-ol (0.18 mg / dm3), these components may, together with α-terpineol, determine the species aroma of jostaberry wine materials. Butyrolactone gives tenderness to jostaberry and gooseberry wine materials in concentrations of 16.86 and 4.70 mg / dm3, respectively. Raspberry wine materials have an extremely pleasant aroma and bouquet, which is formed due to the activity of minor volatile components: β-ionone, linalool, α-terpineol. The nobility of the aroma is determined by the activity of δ-decalactone. Raspberry ketone (1.75 mg / dm3) is found in the wine material, which is contained in raspberries and definitely participates in the formation of the aroma of wine material. The aroma of elderberry juice is due to the activity of aromatic aldehyde trans-2-hexenal, vanillin, β-ion, β-damaskenone, linalool and α-terpineol, the activity of which is respectively 359, 300, 254, 107, 40 and 1.8. In wine materials it can be observed much higher activity of volatile components from elderberry: isoamyl and phenylethyl alcohols, as well as isoamyl acetate, which affects their aroma. Minor components of juice retain activity in wine materials: linalool and β-damaskenone. Wine materials from black elderberry are recommended for use in blended wines.


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