
  • V.V. Borshchenko
  • O.O. Lavryniuk
  • S. Zh. Farafonov
  • I.V. Tkachova
  • A.O. Bernatskyi


pastures, pasture yields, cultivated plants, harmful plants, poisonous plants, poisonous parts of plants, toxins, toxin formation, poisoning, therapy, prevention, control measures


The main advantages of pasture keeping as one of the components of organic keeping of animals are revealed. Types of natural pastures of Zhytomyr Polissya of Ukraine and their productivity are described. The main types of harmful and poisonous plants for farm animals are given. Also described are the most common poisonings by various species of grazing plants, signs of poisoning, first aid and prevention. The effects of ruminants' consumption of certain pests and their effects on milk and meat quality have been described. The toxic effect of cultivated plants when eating them at different stages of the growing season is described. The component composition of the stands of the studied pastures has been established. The results of researches of natural pastures of different farms of Zhytomyr Polissya for the presence of poisonous plants and their species are given. A description of the toxic organs of plants, organs and systems of the affected animals is given. Recommendations on measures to control poisonous pasture plants have been developed and substantiated.


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