
  • V. V. Polishchuk
  • D. V. Konovalov
  • A. P. Ivanitska
  • S. O. Lyashenko



basic, energy-rich, biologized technology, yield, seed germination, variety


The article highlights the influence of different technologies of winter wheat seed cultivation on the formation of its yield and quality, which was the purpose of the study. It was found that the reaction of the varieties to the cultivation technology was different. The medium-early ripening varieties under the basic cultivation technology ensured the realization of the actual yield potential by 77,1 %, under the energy-saturated technology – by 76,0 %, and under the biologized technology – by 76,8 %, the medium-ripening varieties, respectively – by 77,5 %, 76.7 % and 79,0 %. Under different cultivation technologies, there was no significant difference in the biological yield of winter wheat seeds depending on the maturity groups of varieties. Modern breeding varieties of the Institute of Physiology and Genetics provided the greatest realization of their genetic potential for seed productivity with high adaptive properties in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Analyzing the yield of winter wheat seeds depending on the technology of its cultivation, it was found that it depended on the technology of cultivation and varietal characteristics. It was found that when growing winter wheat seeds under the basic and energy-saturated technologies, no significant difference in yield was found. Under the basic technology, the seed yield was 5,50 t/ha, and under the energy-saturated technology it was only 0,04 t/ha higher (LSD0.05 = 0,13 t/ha). Under the biologized technology, the seed yield was significantly higher – by 0,34 t/ha compared to the basic technology and by 0,30 t/ha compared to the energy-saturated technology. The seed multiplication rate is directly related to the seed yield. The energy of germination and germination of seeds depended on both varietal characteristics and the technology of their cultivation. These figures were the lowest with the basic cultivation technology, and the highest with the biologized technology, which has a balanced complex of biologically active substances in plant nutrition and disease protection.


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