
  • H. B. Popovich
  • N. P. Sadovska
  • A. F. Hamor
  • O. М. Vantiukh


additional illumination, LED phytolamp, broccoli, seedlings, phenological observations, biometric measurements


The thesis being presented is a study the influence of LED phytolamps on the formation of broccoli seedlings in the early spring period. The positive influence of LED phytolamps in the formation of biometric parameters of broccoli seedlings in the early spring period was revealed. A positive influx of light phytolamps was revealed during the formation of biometric parameters in broccoli seedlings in the early spring period. Already at the early stages, the development of seedlings with the completion of the match was suspected of the significant differences behind the pace of the development of leaflets and their accelerations. When broccoli enters the phase of flaming cotyledons for natural light (24000 lux), in seedlings, when the broccoli finishes, the formation of the first reference sheet was observed. At that time, in the variant with completion (2900 lux) of the Monaco F1 hybrid, all the growths entered the phase of five right leaves. In the future, starting from the phase of the formation of the fifth-sixth leaves, did not change at the rate of development of the right leaves in the control line and the next variant. Upgrading the following options differed for the area of the assimilation surface and the height of the plant stem. Behind these indications, in the formed rose garden, growths were observed for reaching: 54,3 cm2/plant, 11,2 cm for Monaco F1, 30,2 cm2/plant, 11,2 cm for Green Calabriz and 24,5 cm2/plant, 9,2 cm in Tonus equal to the control – 37,5 cm2/plant, 7,4 cm in Monaco F1, 27,0 cm2/plant, 8,8 cm in Green Calabris 20,1 cm2/plant, 8,5 cm for Tonus. In addition, the rose garden, grown with additional light, was distinguished by the diameter of the stem and the rosette of leaves, by the weight of the aerial and root parts, it was equal to the control variant. It has been established that the addition of light positively added to the formation of the assimilatory surface and the height of the stem of young broccoli seedlings, the increase in above-ground mass ensured a shorter development of the root system.


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