
  • І. А. Ivanko
  • К. К. Holoborodko
  • О. О. Didur
  • B. О. Baranovskyi
  • L. О. Karmyzova
  • Т. І. Kosogubova



nature reserves, artificial forests, vital status of tree plantations, adventive plant species, forest sanitary survey


The study was devoted to finding out the vitality and sanitary condition of artificial tree plantations on the territory of the Hrushevatsky Forest Reserve of National Significance (Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine). The reserve is located within the steppe zone of Ukraine and belongs to the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine. The sanitary condition of the main tree species of forest stands in the reserve (Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior, Robinia pseudoacacia and Acer platanoides) was analyzed. Their simplest taxonomic characteristics (tree height and trunk diameter), the number of specimens per unit area, the life activity and the sanitary status categories of individual trees and stands as a whole were determined. It was found that Fraxinus excelsior and Acer platanoides were maximally presented in the overstory (in terms of height and trunk diameter). With regard to the viable undergrowth of the studied species (aged more than 3 years), Quercus robur and Fraxinus excelsior were dominant in terms of tree height and trunk diameter. In the studied area, spontaneous natural spread was observed resulted in fragmentary formation of local populations of such adventitious species as Lonicera tatarica, Cotinus coggygria, Mahonia aquifolium which have naturalized in these plantings and acquired significant invasive potential. Studies of the relative living condition (by the Olekseyev scale) revealed that the surveyed artificial tree plantations in the forest Reserve mainly belong to the category of “tree stands that grow in life-threatening conditions” (completely destroyed and extremely weakened trees). Plantings with healthy plantations were not observed in the studied Reserve territory. According to the results of a phytosanitary survey, massive damage of Fraxinus excelsior trunks by the wood leopard moth (Zeuzera pyrina (Linnaeus 1761) was revealed. The share of Fraxinus excelsior trees damaged by the wood leopard moth varied from 40% to 100%. Analysis of the taxational characteristics and vitality of artificial mixed oak-ash forest stands on the territory of the reserve showed that these forest ecosystems have undergone a number of destructive processes manifested in a strong decrease in the viability of individual trees and the total vital state of plantings, massive damage of trees by insect pests, as well as a noticeable occurrence of adventive plant species having an increased level of invasive potential. Monitoring of these forest ecosystems will allow us to identify the rate of spread of the adventive fraction of plants with high invasive potential and to predict the direction of changes in the life status of such plantings and the frequency of their damage by insects.


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