winter barley, soil, predecessor, fungicide, disease, productivityAbstract
The article examines the value of common beans and soybeans as precursors in crop rotation for winter barley during cultivation on typical type of black soil and the effectiveness of using the fungicide Amistar Extra to establish a more appropriate precursor and the need to protect crops from pesticides in local soil and climatic conditions. Three years of field research showed that beans and soybeans did not differ significantly in terms of their impact on typical type of black soil agrochemical parameters such as metabolic and hydrolytic acidity, the amount of absorbed bases, the degree of base saturation and the nitrogen content of the arable layer. Beans, as a precursor of barley, contributed to a 9.8% higher content of humus, 22.8% - mobile phosphorus and 11.4% - metabolic potassium, compared to the same agrochemical parameters of the soil after soybean cultivation. The fungicide Amistar Extra showed high technical efficiency of application against diseases of the leaf surface of barley of the studied variety Borysfen, in particular, powdery mildew (63.0% and 69.2%), dark brown spot (52.2% and 55.7%) and septoria (56.3% and 64.9%) and low against volatile smut (15.4% and 21.4%), both after growing beans and soybeans, respectively. The prevalence of diseases in winter barley crops did not depend on its predecessors, although it showed a tendency to be more affected by pathogens of plants grown after soybeans, as well as slightly higher efficiency Amistar Extra. The fungicide provided protection against diseases of the upper tier leaves, which increased grain productivity by 0.55-0.65 t / ha after both predecessors, mainly by stimulating plant growth in height, length, grain size and ear weight, 1000 grain weight, etc. It was also found that it is more expedient to sow winter barley after beans, because in this case a higher grain yield of 1.65-1.75 t / ha is formed, both under the influence of the fungicide and without its use. The increase in yield was due to the higher density of plants and productive stems, increasing their height and overall biological yield. The obtained data allow to recommend preference for sowing of winter barley in crop rotations after beans and to use the fungicide Amistar Extra as highly effective elements of the technology of growing cultivation on typical type of black soil.
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