reconstruction, plantings, park, phytocenotic structure, dendrological composition of plantationsAbstract
The article presents an analysis of the dendrological composition, spatial and phytocenotic structure of the plantations of I. Chernyakhovsky park in Uman, Cherkasy region. During plantation inventory in the park were found 18 taxa of trees, 2 species of shrubs and 3 species of perennial flowering plants. The dendrological structure of the park is mainly represented by the genera Aceraceae (17,1 %), Tiliaceae (17,6 %), Rosaceae (4,8 %), Hippocastanaceae (1,7 %), the share of other genera is insignificant. The main tree species in the groups are Aesculus hippocastanum L. The accompanying species are Styphnolobium japonicum L., Robinia pseudoacacia L., Tilia cordata L. and others. The composition of the park is dominated by simple groups. Green plantations make up 76.2% and occupy a significant part of the park's territory, 36.4% belong to artificial coverings. The project of reconstruction of the territory envisages increase of species composition and improvement of decorative qualities of the park plantations. For this purpose we suggest using the most ornamental plants (Picea pungens f. "Glauca", Larix decidua f. "Pendul", Picea omorika L., Picea abies f. "Ohlendorffii", Catalpa bignonioides L., Platanus occidentalis L., Prunus serrulata f. "Kiku shidare", Stachys lanata, Juniperus communis f. "Repanda", Buxus microphylla f. "Folker", Rhododendron impeditum L., etc.).
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