cupcake, butter, margarine, spread, oil, culinary qualityAbstract
The research results show that when using margarine cupcakes with a fat content of 30–40%, a blend of margarine (30%) 50% + oil 50% and sunflower oil, the dough was liquid. The use of a blend of oil (82%) 50% + oil 50% provided the dough with a semi-creamy consistency. The rest of the experiment variants formed a creamy consistency of the cupcake dough. Physico-chemical indicators of cupcake quality varied depending on margarine fat content, butter and spread. With increasing fat content in such products, cupcake weight increased. Cupcake volume varied significantly depending on the type of fat substitute. Thus, the highest figure was while using margarine, 40% – 207 cm3, a blend of butter (82%) 50% + oil 50% – 218 and vegetable cream spread, 72.5% – 222 cm3. The type of fat substitute did not affect the colour of the cupcake surface and its crumb. The concave surface of the cupcake was obtained using a blend of butter (82%) 50% + oil 50%, vegetable cream spread, 72.5% and sunflower oil. The formation of a concave surface of the cupcake spoils its appearance. Therefore, these two types of fat substitute and sunflower oil are not suitable for cupcake production. The smell and taste of the consumer evaluation of the cupcake did not change depending on fat substitute type. The evaluation of three experts was high – 9 points. Cupcake porosity varied depending on fat substitute type. Thus, with the use of vegetable cream spread, 72.5% of the non-porous part of the crumb occupied 26–50% of the cross section. When using sunflower oil, the non-porous part of the crumb occupied 51–75% of the cross section. While using other fat substitutes, the porosity corresponded to 9 points – small thick-walled, uniform. The use of margarine, 40%, butter, 82% and butter, 73% provides a cupcake with a volume of 198-208 cm3, moisture content 13.9-19.1% with a concave surface and the highest culinary quality – 9 points. The use of margarine, 30%, margarine, 82%, a blend of margarine (30%) 50% + oil 50%, spread, 73% provides products with a volume of 155–181 cm3, moisture content 16.3–20.9% with concave surface, culinary quality at the level of 9 points with elastic, soft, juicy, with crumbs that do not clump. The use of vegetable cream spread, 72.5%, sunflower oil and a blend of oil (82%) 50% + oil 50% provides a cupcake that does not meet the requirements of the regulatory document.
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