pumpkin flour, bread, baking, shrinkage, volume, weightAbstract
Bread and bakery products are widely used as basic food around the world. Recently, bakery products have been widely researched to develop functional foods by enriching active ingredients such as dietary fiber, biologically active peptides, minerals, vitamins, etc. to increase their nutritional and biological value. Bakery products are diversified by adding new ingredients. Laboratory and mathematical-statistical methods were used for research. The use of pumpkin flour for bread enrichment was analyzed. It was found that bread baking rate varied from 13.3±0.3% to 13.8±0.3% depending on the experiment variant. Variation coefficients of the samples were less than 3. Bread drying varied from 5.1±0.4% to 5.3±0.3 depending on the experiment variant. The sample variation was insignificant, but this indicator approached 10% and ranged from 4.5 to 7.2. Data samples from analytical replicates of the bread volume indicator had better quality indicators compared to shrinkage, which was due to insignificant data variation. There was a noticeable change in volume indicator depending on the research option from 158±3 cm3/100 g of dough to 220±3 cm3/100 g of dough. An increase in the proportion of pumpkin flour in bread resulted in volume decrease. Product volume changed similarly compared to 100 g of a mixture of wheat flour and pumpkin flour. Variation coefficients of these samples were quite low (coef V = 0.35–1.36). Similar to the previous product volume, the specific volume of dough and bread has changed. Sample variation of analytical replicates was insignificant (coef V = 0.78–2.00). Bread weight from 100 g of flour did not change significantly depending on the experiment variant, and the samples of analytical repetitions did not vary significantly. There have been noticeable changes in bread volume to dough volume. Depending on the experiment variant, bread volume varied from 2.1±0.02 (control) to 1.5±0.04 (20). The probability of sample variation of analytical replicates was quite low. Product convexity decreased from 0.48±0.02 (5) to 0.45±.02 (20) depending on the experiment variant. The variation of the sample data was insignificant (coef V = 2.12–4.44). The obtained results of primary statistical processing indicate high quality indicators and determine the possibility of data using for further statistical processing.
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