corn, grain sorghum, starch, technological quality, biochemical componentAbstract
The technological quality of starch of different hybrids of corn and varieties of grain sorghum according to its biochemical component is determined. It was founding that the product contains 81.5–83.7% of starch + dextrin. In addition, it contains protein at the level of 1.0–1.1%, dietary fiber – 1.5–1.7%, depending on the maize hybrid. Cornstarch contains vitamins B3 and B4. The technological quality of grain sorghum starch was similar to that of corn. However, sorghum starch contains a higher content of protein and dietary fiber. In terms of moisture and ash content, cornstarch and grain sorghum meet the current requirements. Studies have shown that cornstarch contained polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), saturated fatty acids (PFA), ash, protein, dietary fiber, water. The main part of it consisted of carbohydrates, represented by starch and dextrin – 82.5–83.7%. The lowest content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) – 0.02–0.03%, depending on the hybrid. In addition, the protein content of starch was in the range of 1.0–1.1%, and the content of dietary fiber was 1.5–1.7%, depending on the maize hybrid. The moisture content of starch was 12.1–13.4%, and the ash content was 0.2%, which met the requirements of the standard SSTU 3976–2000 Dry cornstarch. Specifications. Cornstarch contained two B vitamins and 11 mineral elements. Among the vitamins of corn grain in starch, the content of B4 and B3 was determined – 0.4–0.7 mg/kg. Of the mineral elements, sodium contained the most – 25–30 mg/kg of starch. Selenium was the least – 0.002–0.003 mg/kg. The content of copper, zinc and manganese varied from 0.048 to 0.07 mg/kg of starch. Iron content – from 0.43 to 0.48 mg/kg. The content of magnesium and sulfur was in the range of 1.0–2.6 mg/kg. The content of potassium, calcium and phosphorus is 13–20 mg/kg, depending on the maize hybrid. The biochemical component of grain sorghum starch was similar to that of corn. Thus, the starch + dextrin content was at the level of 81.0–83.8% depending on the variety. The content of PUFA was in the range of 0.03–0.04, and the content of NFA was 0.2%. In terms of moisture and ash content, sorghum starch complied with the standards of SSTU 4380: 2005. The starch is modifying. The fat content was 0.8–1.5%; the protein content was 1.8–2.7%, depending on the variety of grain sorghum. It should be noted that the origin of sorghum varieties did not affect the formation of technological quality of starch. Only the content of vitamin B3 – 0.67–1.00 mg/kg was founding in grain sorghum starch. Only nine minerals have been identified. The highest content of phosphorus was 20–28 mg/kg of starch. The content of potassium and sodium was in the range of 20.0–25.0 mg/kg of starch. The copper content was the lowest – 0.003–0.005 mg/kg of product. The manganese content was 0.084–0.098 mg/kg. The content of iron varied from 0.18 to 0.25 mg/kg, magnesium, sulfur and calcium – from two to 6 mg/kg of grain sorghum starch.
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