
  • H. M. Hospogarenko
  • V. V. Liubych
  • O. D. Cherno


winter wheat, podzolic chernozem, liming, mineral fertilizers


One of the factors of soil degradation is acidification, which is manifested even in chernozems that have a close to neutral or neutral in nature reaction of the soil solution. In terms of acidity, wheat belongs to the group of crops that prefer slightly acidic and close to neutral reaction of the soil environment and responds well to liming not only strong and medium acid, but also weakly acidic soils. Therefore, obtaining objective data on its response to different doses of lime and fertilizer systems in a long stationary experiment is relevant. The aim of the research was to establish the effect of liming in combination with the application of different types and doses of mineral fertilizers on the dynamics of winter wheat yield on chernozem podzolic in field crop rotation. The study was conducted in a stationary experiment (certificate NAAS №86), laid on the research field of Uman NUS, with geographical coordinates of 48 ° 46 '56,47' 'N. w. and 30 ° 14 '48.51' 'east. e. The experiment was based on a 4-field field crop rotation (winter wheat, sugar beet, corn, peas) in three fields. Growing a variety of winter wheat Mission Odesa and Lazurna. The total dose of lime was calculated by the level of metabolic acidity. A single dose of defect containing 60% CaCO3 was 9.0 t/ha. Defect, in doses of 4.5 t/ha 9.0 and 13.5 t/ha was introduced under the first three crops of crop rotation - winter wheat, sugar beet and corn. Against the background of liming mineral fertilizers were applied in the form of ammonium nitrate, granular superphosphate and potassium chloride. The issue of complex influence of different doses of defects and mineral fertilizers on the productivity of winter wheat on chernozem podzolic heavy loam of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine is considered. Carrying out liming with a defect dose of 9.0 t/ha in the first rotation - increased the yield of winter wheat with the application of mineral fertilizers at a dose of N90P60K60 by 0.83 t/ha, or 12%, and in the second rotation - by 0.41 t/ha, or 7%. With the introduction of 0.5 and 1.5 doses of lime, the increase in yield for two rotations of crop rotation, respectively, was 4% and 10%. Applying 1.5 doses of lime, calculated on the basis of metabolic acidity, has a lower starting effect compared to a single dose, but has a longer aftereffect. The application of defect at a dose of 4.5–13.5 t/ha contributed to an increase in yield on average for two rotations of crop rotation by 0.17–0.35 t/ha. Improving the potassium nutrition of plants increases the efficiency of liming - the increase in grain yield is 0.28-0.63 t/ha.


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