table beet, hybrid, mulching, polyethylene film, humusAbstract
Goal. Study the influence of soil mulching methods on the growth, development of table beet plants, root crop yield and their quality indicators in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Analysis, synthesis, generalization, laboratory and field experiment. Results. The use of mulching crops with organic and inorganic materials has a positive effect on reducing the duration of the growing season of table beets. The emergence of seedlings in the control variant was observed on the 17th day after sowing, and in the variants where mulching was used - on the 15th day. The formation of the first pair of real leaves during mulching of the soil with a transparent and black polyethylene film was ahead of the control by 3 days, and by humus, sawdust and agrofiber by 4 days. The use of inorganic materials promotes faster onset of technical ripeness, namely 3-6 days earlier, and mulching with organic materials - 6-7 days, respectively. The use of different methods of mulching crops contributes to the growth of the leaf surface of table beets by 4.3-5.8 thousand m2 / ha, or 15.5-20.9%, respectively. The period "beginning of root formation-technical ripeness" was characterized by the largest accumulation of biomass in table beet plants compared to the previous period. Based on this, the productivity of photosynthesis increased - 2.7-3.0 g / m2 × day, depending on different methods of mulching. The use of polyethylene film provided an increase in photosynthesis net productivity by 8% in the case of agrofiber by 12%. The most favorable conditions for the formation of the maximum indicator of photosynthesis net productivity have developed in the case of arable materials use (sawdust, humus). In the period "beginning of root formation-technical ripeness" the productivity of photosynthesis in this case was 2.9-3.0 g / m2 × day, which is 16-20% higher than the control. Conclusions. The results of research show that the use of different methods of mulching seedlings with polyethylene film, agrofiber and local organic materials, contributes to the intensification of physiological and biochemical processes occurring in the plant of table beet. Further study and improvement should focus on in-depth study of innovative mulching methods using modern high-yielding varieties and hybrids of table beets.
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